- horror reviews - MOH 2019


IMDb Info

Release Year: 2019
Runtime: 1h 22min
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre Tags: Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi
Plot Summary: Jenn has washed ashore a small tropical island and it doesn't take her long to realize she's completely alone. She must spend her days not only surviving the elements, but must also fend off the malevolent force that comes out each night.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes:

Outside Reviews:

Brian Tallerico
Sundance 2019: Sweetheart, Corporate Animals

It’s also just a wicked cool creature feature. Dillard clearly didn’t have much of a budget, but he makes the most of it, keeping the antagonist of the piece hidden for the majority of the movie (but not avoiding getting to the “good stuff” eventually). Dillard takes genuine risks, allowing a large portion of the film to be silent. A lesser filmmaker would have incorporated flashbacks or had Jen talk to herself, but Dillard trusts Clemons to carry it almost silently for long stretches, and she completely conveys the believability of her predicament. So much of the success of a creature feature comes down to the lead actor or actress selling the peril more than anything else, and Clemons does exactly that. It’s a really fun movie that’s both old-fashioned and progressive at the same time. Watch for it.